Since i heard this song i wanna play guitar xD
Since i heard this song i wanna play guitar xD
I'm happy to have inspired you. Remember to practice, practice, practice. Thanks for the comment.
Whats the point of metal :S
Everything... now whats the point in trance music?
Keep it up (Y)
10/10 5/5 Nice beat. U shouldve put the voice a lil bit volume down Im adding this to my fav's
Alright, i'll keep that in mind next time thanks for the review. :)
Emo alarm
LOL. you obviously don't know what emo music is.
Whats wrong bout this?
Fredgy dun fkin listen too them. Its awsome
hee thanks, i don't listen to them , they are just jealous bcaus my 3th song ended in top 5 of week, they are jealous bcause their 20th song doesn't end in the top 5 of week ..
They are just doing it longer then me, and thinks that they were better on the beginning of their music making
Thanks ;-)
Joined on 9/3/08